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Information documents INC
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Zero Draft Summary
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Outcomes of intersessional work: Chemicals and plastic products
Data mining the plastics lifecycle
Outcomes from Intersessional work: financial mechanisms, capacity building
Plastics data: Plastic Material Flow Analysis and Trade Data
Financing Mechanisms: Options for the ILBI
The process of pre-INC-5 and in-session text proposals from States and stakeholders
Presentation transcript: Options for finance mechanisms in the Plastics Treaty compilation document
Compilation of Summaries of Parts B4a B4b B5 C7a C7b 10AB and 11AB
INC Intersessional Experts Group 2 Questionnaire Summary
Presentation transcript: Criteria for chemicals of concern
Compilation of questionnaire responses for Expert Group 2
Options for finance mechanisms in the Plastics Treaty compilation document
Criteria for identification Chemicals and polymers of concern (intersessional work)
Chemicals and polymers of concern
Problematic and avoidable plastics
Product design & circularity of plastics
UNEP/PP/INC.4/INF/1: Plastic pollution science (updated for the fourth session of the intergovernmental negotiating committee)
Overview of progress on the negotiations and what is expected at INC-4
Sierra Leone National Policy Review slides
Slides Baseline Beach Litter Data for Sierra Leone 2021-2022
Just Transition for the plastic value chain
Documentary film: Who Knows It Feels It: a Waste Pickers’ Perspective for a Just Transition
IUCN WCEL Briefings for negotiators
Technical slides: Problematic and avoidable plastic products
Technical slides: Product design, composition and performance (Circularity)
Technical slides: Chemicals and Polymers of Concern
Developing a plastics instrument – INC timeline
Summary of Revised Zero Draft of the International Legally Binding Instrument to Prevent Plastic Pollution (January 2024)
Guide to the INC-4 process and rules
Plastics life cycle
Stakeholder map
Avoidable and problematic plastics
Chemicals and polymers of concern
Alternative plastics and substitutes, specifically biodegradable plastics, as a solution towards tacking plastic pollution
A circular economy for tackling plastic pollution
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) within tackling plastic pollution
Developing a multi-stakeholder forum for engagement towards a policy plan
AFRIPAC: Effective Capacity Building for Global Plastics Treaty in Africa