Documentary film: Who Knows It Feels It: a Waste Pickers' Perspective for a Just Transition

Documentary film: Who Knows It Feels It: A Waste Pickers’ Perspective for a Just Transition
Waste pickers from Kenya took to the stage to deliver an important message to policy makers for the INC-3 negotiations for a global plastics treaty in Nairobi. They performed a piece of carefully orchestrated legislative theatre to delegates ahead of the INC-3 meeting, which took place from 13-19 November 2023, in Nairobi, Kenya. The interactive drama piece raises awareness of the challenges that waste pickers face and highlights the need for a just transition to end plastic pollution. This production is co-developed by the waste pickers together with Matthew Hahn, the Social Justice Centers Traveling Theatre, and supported by the Revolution Plastics Institute at University of Portsmouth and GRID-Arendal. Funded by NORAD.