data Library

Plastics data: Plastic Material Flow Analysis and Trade Data

Presentation by Dr Thomas Maes as part of the regional workshop on 7 November 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya.


International Knowledge Hub Against Plastic Pollution (IKHAPP)

Plastics Europe

Plastics Europe

Plastic Pollution Toolkits (University of Leeds)

The University of Leeds Plastic Pollution Programme has collated a suit of plastic pollution modelling solutions. The models describe sources pathways and receptor hotspots, linking plastic pollution to its origins, providing real, evidence-based opportunities for preventive engineering [...]

What a Waste 2.0 – World Bank

What a Waste 2.0 Database is a global project to aggregate data on solid waste management from around the world. ​This database features the statistics collected through the effort, covering nearly all countries and over 330 cities. ​The metrics included cover all steps from the was [...]

UNSD-Environment Statistics

UN Statistics Division (UNSD) Environmental Indicators disseminate global environment statistics on ten indicator themes compiled from a wide range of data sources.​ Statistics on Water and Waste are based on official statistics supplied by national statistical offices and/or ministri [...]

Our World in Data: Plastic data

OECD Global Plastics Outlook database

The database includes data from 1990 to 2060 covering the full lifecylce of plastics, from the use of plastic materials by polymer and application to the generation of plastic waste and finally the leakage of plastic waste into the environment. . The three scenarios include (i) a baseli [...]

Plastic Trade Data: UNCTADstat

All statistics of United Nations Conference on Trade and Developmentg (UNCTAD) are harmonized and integrated into UNCTADstat- free to use dissemination platform. ​It gives access to basic and derived indicators built upon common rules, harmonized environment and clear methodology supp [...]

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