external-link Library

UNSD-Environment Statistics
UN Statistics Division (UNSD) Environmental Indicators disseminate global environment statistics on ten indicator themes compiled from a wide range of data sources. Statistics on Water and Waste are based on official statistics supplied by national statistical offices and/or ministri [...]

Global Partnership on Plastic Pollution and Marine Litter (Digital Platform)
The Global Partnership on Plastic Pollution and Marine Litter (GPML) Digital Platform is a UNEP initiative,supporting decision–making to multiple stakeholders by integrating data, crowd sourced knowledge, and fostering collaborations to co-create and advance solutions to tackleplas [...]

Plastic Waste Free Islands Platform (IUCN)
This collaborative & information platform is provided by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and operates in partnership with Ubuntoo. The platform can be used as a research tool to deepen knowledge and obtain ideas for preventing and managing plastic waste o [...]

UNIDO Knowledge Hub
A UN Industrial Development Organization initiative, containing a training academy, (interactive) online tools for policy makers, institutions, enterprise and consumers, as well as [...]