Portuguese Library

Resultados dos intersessões: substâncias químicas

Extração de dados do ciclo de vida dos plásticos

Resultados do Grupo Ad Hoc Intersessional: mecanismos financeiros

Dados sobre plásticos: Análise do fluxo de materiais plásticos e dados comerciais

IUCN Resource Library


Global Partnership on Plastic Pollution and Marine Litter (Digital Platform)

The Global Partnership on Plastic Pollution and Marine Litter (GPML) Digital Platform is a UNEP initiative,supporting decision–making to multiple stakeholders by integrating data, crowd sourced knowledge, and fostering collaborations to co-create and advance solutions to tackleplas [...]


International Knowledge Hub Against Plastic Pollution (IKHAPP)

Plastics Europe

Plastics Europe

This collaborative & information platform is provided by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and operates in partnership with Ubuntoo. The platform can be used as a research tool to deepen knowledge and obtain ideas for preventing and managing plastic waste on small islands and developing states (SIDS). Registration needed.

Plastic Waste Free Islands Platform (IUCN)

This collaborative & information platform is provided by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and operates in partnership with Ubuntoo. The platform can be used as a research tool to deepen knowledge and obtain ideas for preventing and managing plastic waste o [...]

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